Activity Generator
Quickly generate activities for your class.
Story Generator
Quickly generate stories to explain ideas or concepts.
Repetitive Maths Practice
Generate a series of maths questions for children to practice.
Math Starter Questions
Generate a list of math starter questions.
Concept Explainer
Generates explanations for any concept for pupils.
Model Text Generator
Tell it what to write and what features to use to create a perfect model text.
SPAG Question Generator
Generate SPAG SATs practice questions.
Recommended Reading
Generate book suggestions based on pupil likes and interests.
Fix the Mistake
Generate a paragraph of text with SPAG errors for your pupils to correct.
Carry on Writing
Inspire your students by continuing the writing of any text type.
Rebus Generator
Write a story with emojis.
True or False
Create a series of true or false statements around any learning objective.
Jingle Generator
Create a jingle to help children remember.
SPAG Term Example Generator
Generate examples with explanations for SPAG features.
This Period in History
Explore what was happening in the world during a period in history.
Math Word Problem Generator
Generate math word problems on the topic and theme of your choice.
Character Questions
Question historical figures or fictional characters.
Worksheet Generator
Generate a worksheet linked to a learning objective.
Poem Writer
Quickly write a poem about anything in any style.
Spelling List Generator
Generate spelling lists using certain rules.
Cloze Generator
Create cloze text on the subject of your choice
Emoji Algebra Generator
Generate algebra questions, replacing variables with emojis.
Simplify Text
Simplify text for emerging readers.
Riddle Maker
Create riddles for your class to solve.
Shakespeare Translator
Translate Shakespeare's work in to modern language.
Step by Step
Break down any task in to manageable steps.
Exciting Writing Generator
Quickly generate exciting sentences to inspire your children.
Class Questions
Quickly generate thought-provoking questions for your class.
Storyboard Maker
Quickly generate storyboarding ideas from key words.
WAGOLL Generator
Quickly generate a WAGOLL for your class.
Class Newsletter Writer
Quickly generate a Class Newsletter to celebrate and inform.